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  Fujifilm Group's Vision for Digital Transformation (DX) Fujifilm's Commitment to a Better World Through DX Fujifilm is dedicated to building a more sustainable, healthier, and safer future. To achieve this, the company has embraced digital transformation (DX) as a core strategy. By leveraging AI, IoT, and other advanced technologies,...


Fujifilm Group's Vision for Digital Transformation (DX)

Fujifilm's Commitment to a Better World Through DX

Fujifilm is dedicated to building a more sustainable, healthier, and safer future. To achieve this, the company has embraced digital transformation (DX) as a core strategy. By leveraging AI, IoT, and other advanced technologies, Fujifilm aims to deliver exceptional products and services that address societal challenges and create significant value for customers.

Fujifilm's DX Vision

  • A Sustainable Future: Fujifilm is committed to developing products and services that contribute to a sustainable society.

  • Enhanced Customer Value: By harnessing DX, Fujifilm seeks to dramatically improve the value it provides to customers.

  • Social Impact: The company is focused on using its technology and expertise to solve pressing social issues.

Fujifilm's DX Platform

To drive its DX initiatives, Fujifilm has established a robust DX platform comprising:

  • Infrastructure: A solid foundation for DX initiatives.

  • Products and Services DX: Developing innovative digital offerings.

  • Operation DX: Optimizing internal operations through digital technologies.

  • Human Resources DX: Building a digitally skilled workforce.

Fujifilm's DX Roadmap

Fujifilm has outlined a clear path for its DX journey, targeting the establishment of numerous products and services that support a sustainable society by fiscal year 2030. Key objectives include:

  • Product Optimization: Continuously enhancing product value through DX.

  • Societal Impact: Expanding the reach of products and services to benefit the entire community.

  • Social Issue Resolution: Contributing to solving critical social challenges.

Creating Value Through DX Initiatives

Fujifilm's DX strategy centers on the three pillars of its DX platform. By fostering collaboration among stakeholders, including customers and partners, the company aims to drive innovation and create positive social impact.

Fujifilm's DX Governance and Promotion Structure

  • DX Strategy Council: Oversees group-wide DX initiatives.

  • All-Fujifilm DX Promotion Program: Coordinates DX efforts across the organization.

  • Business-Level Implementation: Each business unit has dedicated teams and leaders responsible for DX execution.

Fujifilm's DX Journey

Since 2014, Fujifilm has been actively investing in DX. Key milestones include:

  • 2014: Launched the Strategic ICT Promotion Project.

  • 2016: Established ICT Strategy Promotion Office and Informatics Research Laboratory.

  • 2017: Appointed CDO and DOs.

  • 2018: Introduced FUJIC Brain supercomputer.

  • 2020: Recognized as Digital Transformation Stock by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

  • 2021: Certified as a Digital Transformation (DX) Certified Company. Published DX Vision and launched All-Fujifilm DX Promotion Program.

  • 2022: Recognized as DX Stock 2022.

By building on its strong foundation and leveraging the power of DX, Fujifilm is well-positioned to create a brighter future for its customers, employees, and society as a whole.